UHSDR Project Page

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**NEW**: UHSDR Bootloader and Firmware is archived starting at 2017-08-19. You can access all binaries which are populated since then:

Binaries Download Area

first time on air with mchf by DF8OE, Andreas

UHSDR means UniversalHamSDR and consists of a firmware and bootloader part. The base of the firmware was started by Chris, M0NKA, and Clint, KA7OEI and was exclusively used for mcHF QRP transceiver designed by Chris. In February 2017 all partners agreed to move firmware license to GPLv3. This was the base to implement many new features which are licensed under GPLv3, too and expand capability of firmware to support other hardware platforms. It currently supports STM32F4 and STM32F7 MCU. Software development is intended to give full support to its "starting device" for mcHF (and all other known and listed hardware platforms).

Using UHSDR firmware it is possible to build a rig which operates without the need of a PC or laptop. Radio can work standalone.